Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Geert Wilders making movie about the Koran.

H/T to Trouw On-line

Geert Wilders, Leader of the PVV party in the Netherlands has oft spoken out against the islamization of Europe and the Netherlands in particular. He recently called for the banning of the Koran as it incites it's followers to commit "horrendous" cruelty against non-believers. He compares the koran to Mein Kampf and shows that the two books are remarkedly similar in many aspects including it's fanaticism and fascism. Mein Kampf has always been banned in the Netherlands and many other European countries.

The cabinet worried over the reactions to a provocative film Geert Wilders is working on. The ministers of Justice Department and Interior Affairs pointed out to the PVV-leader, the risks of his planned film in a conversation with him.

There are measures which have been taken in case of vehement debate erupts about the movie in both inside and outside the country. Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin (Justice) emphasized Wednesday that Wilders is free to express his opinions, but that people also have a responsibility to society at large, “think about what the repercussions could be”, he told the Member of Parliament(Wilders).

Those repercussions could come in various forms, according to the minister. He will wait for the content of the film. But if it is something of an impetus as is suspected, it could draw violent reactions against himself and others”.
Participants in the free debate should, according to Hirsch Ballin, respect every belief and for that which is holy for someone else. If that line is crossed, the cabinet will be against it and move to make it clear that “we respect each other”, according to the minister. And “everything that is violent will be disapproved”. For the content of the conversation, Minister Guusje ter Horst (Interior Affairs) referred to the reaction of Hirsch Ballin.

Wilders has informed the ministry of Justice about his planned movie. Thereupon government officials from the Ministry of Justice and Interior Affairs spoke with him to utter their concern over possible reactions. Minister Maxime Verhagen (Foreign Affairs) has spoken to PVV-leader Geert Wilders about the film that Wilders is making about the koran. “I pointed out to him the possible risks to himself, the people around him and for Dutch citizens outside the country”, said Verhagen Wednesday. That meeting took place at the request of the PVV-leader.

The PVV-Party leader affirms that he is working on a film. He will make a short but robust movie about his earlier proclaimed viewpoints about the Koran in an expressive manner. He want to show that the book revered by Muslims is a “Terrible and fascist” book that always inspires it followers to undertake “horrendous” acts.

Wilders is not out to insult people with his movie about the Koran. If that does happen, it is a” pity but not my problem”. The Member of Parliament said Wednesday after a debate in the Second Chamber. “I hope that it opens peoples eyes that the Koran, like Mein Kampf must become banned”, said Wilders.

It is the intention that the movie will be broadcast at end of January on TV. According to reports several public broadcasting stations are interested, but want to impose conditions. Wilders wants nothing to do with that. He does float the possibility the film could be broadcast during the PVV’s allotted public time slot for political parties on the internet.

Wilders would not confirm that he had spoken with ministers about his movie plans.

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